A vacant property has a higher risk of attracting unwanted visitors or rodents, so make sure it is secured correctly. If your property is vacant or unsecured, your perimeter security is compromised and it becomes a more attractive setting for criminal activity to take place in. Here are a few ways you can help your vacant property stay out of crime.
Make sure all access points and windows are secured
If your property is going to be vacant for a long period of time, we suggest that not only do you lock all windows and doors but you also consider boarding them up. This is an effective measure to take on a vacant property as it stops unwanted visitors breaking through the glass or kicking down the door. The best solution is to use steel coated sheets as it will better protect your property. The sheets can be used on your windows and doors. Steel boarding sheets will heighten your overall perimeter security and decrease the chance of the property being broken into.
Install a good wireless alarm system
Installing a wireless alarm system with infrared movement sensors will help alert you or the relevant authorities that your property has been broken into. This mean you can effectively handle the situation before it becomes out of hand and causes your property further damage.
Install CCTV surveillance 
We suggest using a CCTV system by HikVision, they provide high-quality products that are perfect for all properties. However, make sure your place them correctly, for more information on this, read our post on CCTV systems need concise placements.
By visually displaying your CCTV system it can act as a deterrent for onlookers. All recorded footage of vandalism or theft is used as evidence if you were to ever find yourself in a court proceeding.
Make sure to change the locks when necessary
If tenants are leaving your property it is always a good practice to change the locks if your property is about to become vacant. Some tenants might not have handed back their keys, which makes your property even more vulnerable. Try to keep track of who has access to your property. This also applies if you have had contractors or letting agents have access to your property and all keys cannot be accounted for.
Take out the rubbish
It sounds like a simple task but you would be surprised what a load of rubbish can do to a vacant property! It shows onlookers that your property is empty and proves to be an attractive setting for rodents to nest in. Your perimeter security would be surrounded by rubbish.
Mobile Patrols is perfect for increasing perimeter security
A physical presence on your property will instantly stop onlookers in their tracks. For example, our mobile patrol service will make sure your perimeter security is secured and will stop criminals before they come onto the property. You can further increase your physical presence by opting to have a dog handler walk around your property, checking your perimeter security. This scares off intruders. Click here for more information on mobile patrols.
We hope you found this useful, for more ways on how to protect your vacant property view our services and call us on 02380 000 400 (Southampton office)