5 Reasons why dummy CCTV cameras are bad for your business


dummy cctv cameras

Example of two dummy CCTV cameras.

You may not know it, but a lot of CCTV cameras are simply not in use. The fact is that dummy CCTV cameras are bad for your business and some only act as a deterrence or even decoration. This may seem like a good idea but when you delve deeper the negatives outweigh the positives. The idea of using just a superficial appearance of something watching you to control behaviour is nothing new and dates back centuries. However, when you have a fully functional alternative security option doesn’t it make sense to use that facility to its fullest potential? Well, last summer London’s Westminster council tried to save money turning off their CCTV cameras. Two years on, the council are under pressure to reenable 65 CCTV cameras they deactivated by the London mayor at a likely far higher cost. The reason, Dummy cameras don’t provide a cost-effective solution.

Imagine the consequences it could have for your business if you have a non-functioning or dummy CCTV camera ‘guarding’ your premises. Then criminals got hold of this information? You can only imagine how quickly they would exploit it for their personal gain. So why does a business owner even consider using dummy cameras? The idea is foolish, we can tell you why.


Here are 5 things you need to know about Dummy Cameras


1) They don’t fool criminals

Despite what you may think professional criminals are not always stupid. They know the business and they learn from experience. They get to know if cameras are working or not and the smarter ones probably test them. The only person you are fooling by using dummy cameras is yourself. Missing wires? Flashing Red lights? The signs are very obvious to some and they will exploit that.


Wall Mounted Dummy CCTV Camera

Example of a fake power LED.

2) They stand out

Especially if you use a dummy camera next to the real fully functioning equipment. You should also watch where they are placed too. A static dummy camera directed in a pointless direction makes it clear that the camera is serving no real security purpose, making it obvious to anyone who pays attention. Dummy security cameras also use static lights as opposed to intermittent power LED’s located out of sight which can make them easily identifiable.

All CCTV cameras require the ability to both transfer data and receive power, a dummy CCTV camera without the correct wiring running to an internal location in the building is a sure sign it’s a fake. Even with fake cabling, when cut no alert would be sent to the control centre like with a real system, providing a potential criminal the ability to stay on site if they wished without any response from guards or police.


CCTV monitoring cameras

Mast of remote operated CCTV Camera

3) False sense of security

The installation of a false camera can effectively harm someone in the local community. All CCTV cameras are used as part of a larger community orientated network. Innocent people passing by your business may be the victim of often disastrous crime. What if your camera was the only means to help them get justice? What if a person at your business relies on the camera to protect them if they become a victim of crime? How can they rely on your (lack of) recorded evidence? All these issues impair your duty as a responsible employer and generally as a socially responsible citizen. In conclusion, should your CCTV cameras be only for display purposes it’s important to inform your employees so that they don’t rely on recorded evidence further down the road.


4) No Damage Mitigation

Effective CCTV cameras form part of a wider security network for your business, not only preventing crime but reducing the impact should it occur. Ensuring cameras are connected to a 24/7 control centre means an unbroken chain of communication all the way down to the guards or police response should an incident occur. This response is what reduces potential damage caused to your business. A dummy CCTV camera not only fails to provide any evidence, but also the ability for damage control.


5) Don’t be cheap

Real CCTV cameras really aren’t that expensive. You can protect your entire business premises with a CCTV camera system for as little as £69 a week. The cost spent protecting your business is always less than the potential damage which caused be caused, especially when insurance issues and company downtime are factored in.


Veritech have over two decades of experience and we like to consider ourselves the friendly, security professionals that care, protecting your business as if it was our own. If you have any more queries on the matter then please call us at our main office on 02380 000400 or locate our nearest office to you.


It’s 2017, and even the smallest, least tech-savvy business will have an online presence of some kind. Cybercrime can have a devastating effect on any business and can leave you very exposed. There are a number of methods that criminals may use to access your data, and as such, a number of methods you can use to keep them out.

Modern businesses are extremely reliant on the internet, which means that criminals are increasingly making the move from physical crime to cybercrime. In fact, there are known links between cybercrime and international terrorism, so keeping your business’ data secure is no small matter. You can check to see whether your accounts have been compromised by checking here. Now, let’s take a look at some of the ways to keep cyber criminals out of your data.


Trusted Firewall and Antivirus Software

Perhaps the most obvious suggestion is ensuring that your business has up to date Firewall and AntiVirus software. Viruses take a number of forms; they can be used to log your keystrokes and steal your passwords, they can turn your PC into a host for nefarious activities, they can erase valuable data, or they can simply brick your computer altogether. Investing in good antivirus software, and teaching your employees to better use computers is the first line of defence against cybercrime.

Additionally, the government suggest a 3 pronged approach. Strong passwords, security software on all accounts and ensuring that all software updates are downloaded. These simple cybersecurity methods are the online equivalent of locking your front door.

Access Control Can Prevent Cyber Crime

With the first line of defence covered, it’s time to look into preventing other methods of infiltration. Preventing cybercrime relies on covering physical security as well as digital. Cybercrime also covers identity fraud, and many cybercriminals will attempt to obtain personal and confidential data in an attempt to do your business harm. Access control on your building can prevent tailgating and unauthorised people accessing your building in an attempt to steal data.

Learn more about access control in Southampton

Cybercrime Occurs Out of Hours

As with all criminals, if cybercriminals are going to try to access your premises, they’re most likely going to attempt it at night. There are a number of security methods you can use to hinder their entrance. Motion sensors, alarms, mobile patrols or manned guarding will either deter or catch those seeking to break into your business.

CCTV Systems Prevent Cybercrime

Properly positioned CCTV in car parks and your building’s entrances will act as both a deterrent and evidence in the case of your building being accessed by an unauthorised party after hours. It’s incredible how simple protecting your building from having valuable data stolen can be.

Learn more about CCTV cameras

Get in Touch

For more information about security solutions for your business, get in touch today!

A vacant property can, unfortunately, often be a target for unwanted visitors. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to secure your property until it’s ready to be used again. Here are some of the best methods for securing a vacant property.

security - vacant property

Perimeter Security

Perimeter security can refer to physical barriers to stop people from getting onto your vacant property, or more modern, electronic barriers. Electronic methods mean that intruders will set off an alarm once they trespass onto the property so that security teams or police are notified and can quickly deal with the situation.

Learn more about vacant property security!

Chipboard and Ply

Chipboard and ply can be used to board up windows and doors on a vacant property. You’ve probably seen boarded up buildings before. Chipboard and ply are used to make it more difficult for intruders to get into the building via broken windows or open doors.

Steel Sheets

Galvanised steel sheets are the next progression from chipboard and ply. Naturally, steel sheets are stronger and harder to pry off than their chipboard cousins. At Veritech, all of our steel sheets are secured with security screws which can only be removed by our team of specialists. This makes it a lot harder for intruders to gain access to your vacant property.

Mobile Patrols

Regular mobile patrols are a great way to keep unwanted visitors off of your property. Travelling either by foot or by car, mobile patrols can survey areas that might not be covered by CCTV, and deal with intruders quickly and efficiently before a situation has a chance to escalate. They also act as an incredible deterrent, as intruders are less likely to make their way onto a vacant lot if they know that mobile patrols are active in the area.

Learn how mobile patrols can protect your business!

Vacant Property CCTV

Another great criminal deterrent, CCTV is a great addition to your vacant property. If intruders do trespass on your land, CCTV allows you the opportunity to catch those responsible for the act and count as evidence if you decide to prosecute in the future. Ensure, however, that you are using actual CCTV cameras rather than dummy cameras – dummy cameras are nowhere near as effective.

Get in touch

If you would like a professional approach to securing your vacant property, get in touch today. We offer a range of plans to suit any business and budget and will keep your property secure until you are ready to use it again.

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